Southeast Asian Journal of Case Report and Review

Online ISSN: 2319-1090

Southeast Asian Journal of Case Report and Review is a Peer-reviewed, International medical journal Published by the Association of Health Professionals. It will publish 04 issues per year will publish a research paper prepared by Health Professional. Journal will Give Preference to Case Report and Review Article   Aim and Scope The aim and commitment of the journal is to publish a research-oriented manuscript on significant issues in all the subjects and areas of Medical Science including Genome mutation and Pathogenicity in microbes. Journal more...

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Case Report

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103- 108

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Pulkesh Chothani*, Pratiksha Rangani

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Case report of palmoplantar psoriasis: Specific remedies to constitutional remedies for condition

Case Report

Author Details : Pulkesh Chothani*, Pratiksha Rangani

Volume : 10, Issue : 4, Year : 2023

Article Page : 103-108

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Introduction: Psoriasis, an autoimmune and chronic inflammatory disease of the skin, can leave the patient in agony with its distressing infection episodes. Palmoplantar psoriasis is a chronic variant of psoriasis that characteristically affects the skin of the palms and soles and produces significant functional disability. It features hyperkeratotic, pustular, or mixed morphologies. Palmoplantar psoriasis is a variant of psoriasis and accounts for 3–4% of total cases of psoriasis. Though historically difficult to treat, recent studies on biologic therapies have shown promising results for the treatment of palmoplantar psoriasis. This activity describes the pathophysiology, evaluation, and management of palmoplantar psoriasis and highlights the role of the interprofessional team in the care of affected patients. The homoeopathic system of medicine offers a wide range of medicines that can have a beneficial role in managing cases of psoriasis as depicted in the previous studies.
Objectives: 1. Identify the trigger factors and aetiology for palmoplantar psoriasis. 2. Describe the mental and physical presentation of a patient with palmoplantar psoriasis. 3. Summarize the out of treatment and management options available fin homeopathy for palmoplantar psoriasis. 3. Review interprofessional team strategies for improving care coordination and communication to enhance outcomes for patients affected by palmoplantar psoriasis. 4. Review of recurrence of palmoplantar psoriasis.
Case Summary: A distinct case of Palmoplantar psoriasis treated with homoeopathic remedies of ultrahigh potentised dilution has been presented here. The evidence-based illustrations were done before and after the treatment and the periodical objective assessment of the lesions with psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) calculation to ascertain the prognosis. The causal attribution of outcome to the treatment was evaluated using Modified Naranjo Criteria for Homoeopathy (MONARCH) tool. Marked improvement was found in the psoriatic lesions evidenced photographically and the PASI scores showed significant reduction affirming the same. The MONARCH score (+10) suggested that the clinical improvement was likely attributable to the homoeopathic treatment. This evidence-based case report suggests a beneficial role of homoeopathy in the treatment of palmoplantar psoriasis.

Keywords: Case report, Individualised Homoeopathic Medicine, Palmoplantar psoriasis, MONARCH score PASI Score Specific remedies

How to cite : Chothani P, Rangani P, Case report of palmoplantar psoriasis: Specific remedies to constitutional remedies for condition. South Asian J Case Rep Rev 2023;10(4):103-108

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